MC Ring - Stainless Steel - Motor Club
SKU: LOC.31-47Biker Ring 'MC'
Meanings are variable... are you a biker or a rapper... like Grand Master Flash?
The hardcore MC knows it when they see you.
In the late 1970s, the term emcee, MC or M.C. became used for rappers and for their role within hip hop music and culture. Initially, MCs were those who introduced the DJs to the crowd and explained what was taking place during the event. Often these events were parties at locations including clubs or outdoor public spaces. The term is typically used as a term of distinction, referring to an artist with good performance skills. Many rappers have MC in their stage name, such as MC Hammer, MC Lyte, MC Ren, MC Shan or MC Eiht.
color: silver
Material specification: Stainless